Ask Again Later Undefined Method for Nilnilclass

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undefined method `name' for nil:NilClass

Rendered employees/show.html.erb within layouts/application (110.6ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Fault in 116ms (ActiveRecord: 7.4ms)

                                ActionView::Template::Mistake (undefined method `name' for nil:NilClass):                                                  xvi:                  <                  div                  course                  =                  "entry"                  >                                                  17:                  <                  stiff                  >                  <%= %></                  strong                  >                                                  18:                  <%= entry.time %>                                                  19:                  <%= %>                                                  20:                  <%= entry.created_at %>                                                  21:                  </                  div                  >                                                  22:                  <% end %>                              

84 Answers

I've no idea if this is to do with the issue you accept but you lot take double-defined a variable in your accounts_controller - I'g just cruising through your code looking for stuff that looks off; this is the commencement I plant:

                                                        class                    AccountsController                    <                    ApplicationController                                                        def                    index                                                        @accounts                    =                    Business relationship                    .                    all                    # delete this line                                                        @accounts                    =                    Client                    .                    all                                                        end                                                                                            def                    show                                                        @account                    =                    Account                    .                    discover                    (                    params                    [                    :id                    ]                    )                                                                                            end                                                        end                                  

Indicate @accounts at the Customer; delete the Account line.

Let me know if that helps,


its non working Steve, i did the aforementioned as u said.

I take four employees, when i click on beginning two employee proper name it gave me the error-

NoMethodError in Employees#show Showing /Users/jitendragoyal/biller/app/views/employees/show.html.erb where line #19 raised:

undefined method `proper name' for nothing:NilClass Extracted source (effectually line #19):

                                                        17                    <                    strong                    ><                    %= %></strong>                                                        18  <%=                    entry                    .                    time                    %>                                                        19  <%= relationship.proper noun %>                                                        20                    <%=                    entry                    .                    created_at                    %>                                                        21  </div>                                                        22                    <                    % terminate                                        %>                                  

just when I click on the other two employees name it'south working. i did everything, i take restarted the server many times.

Y'all have probably created the first two employees before adding functionality to the database. Delete the two causing a trouble inside the irb console. Use rails c and go find those two employees and delete them, then supersede them with new one that reflect the new structure you have created.


i typed - TimeEntry.all.each { |t| t.update_attributes(country: "submitted") }

ok.i deleted all the employees through the console and create a new employee.but problem is same

No problem Steve, you lot take to sleep.I'll endeavor to solve the problem. thank you and then much.

Still I have same problem. don't know why?

This is my business relationship.rb file code-

class Account < ActiveRecord::Base of operations

                                    has_many :account_entries, dependent: :destroy                                                                        validates :name, presence: truthful,                                                        length: {in: 1..70,                                                        message: "Delight utilise a decent name, sir."},                                                        uniqueness: truthful                                                                        validate :your_name_is_not_dumb                                                                        def your_name_is_not_dumb                                                        if name.include?("dumb")                                                        errors.add(:proper name, "is impaired")                                                        end                                    cease                                                                        def update_balance!                                                        update_attributes( balance: cocky.account_entries.sum(:corporeality) )                                                                        stop                                  


I typed - TimeEntry.all.each { |t| t.update_attributes(state: "submitted") }

now the new error in runway console -

TimeEntry Load (0.9ms) SELECT account_entries.* FROM account_entries WHERE account_entries.blazon IN ('TimeEntry') (0.3ms) Begin

Account Load (0.6ms) SELECT accounts.* FROM accounts WHERE = 1 LIMIT 1

SQL (2.1ms) UPDATE account_entries SET country = 'submitted', updated_at = '2016-03-08 23:46:15' WHERE = ane (ii.6ms) ROLLBACK

NoMethodError: undefined method `update_balance!' for naught:NilClass


(37.7ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM accounts

=> 1576


Employee Load (168.0ms) SELECT accounts.* FROM accounts WHERE accounts.blazon IN ('Employee') ORDER By ASC LIMIT 1

=> #Employee id: 1582, type: "Employee", name: "jyoti", email: nix, well-nigh: nil, created_at: "2016-03-09 00:10:35", updated_at: "2016-03-09 00:ten:35", city: nil, zipcode: zilch, land: nil, employees: nil, balance: nil


(3.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM accounts WHERE accounts.blazon IN ('Employee')

=> 2

means output of this query is correct.I have merely 2 employees.

My problem is when I typed - TimeEntry.all.each { |t| t.update_attributes(state: "submitted") }

now the new fault in track console -

TimeEntry Load (0.9ms) SELECT account_entries.* FROM account_entries WHERE account_entries.blazon IN ('TimeEntry') (0.3ms) Brainstorm

Account Load (0.6ms) SELECT accounts.* FROM accounts WHERE = 1 LIMIT 1

SQL (2.1ms) UPDATE account_entries Prepare state = 'submitted', updated_at = '2016-03-08 23:46:15' WHERE = i (2.6ms) ROLLBACK

NoMethodError: undefined method `update_balance!' for nil:NilClass

TimeEntry.all.each { |t| t.update_attributes(state: "submitted") }

This query is not working.

If u demand some file code of this project Sick send it to u.

All the query is working correctly in console except- TimeEntry.all.each { |t| t.update_attributes(country: "submitted") }

Means problem is all the same aforementioned.I can't effigy out the problem...

OK, then the problem is when operating on the It sees the method update_balance every bit undefined. That'south not the example, as nosotros know, it is in your code. The issue is that the method is undefined for an object of nil::NilClass. And so the outcome is, again, the business relationship entry, or business relationship, pulling dorsum a nil.

Walking through the code, the update_balance! method is held in the account model but it is called from the account_entry model via its own customer method, update_account_balance. Inside that method, information technology calls business relationship.update_balance!. That'southward where information technology fails but that doesn't mean the lack of account stems from at that place. That could happen anywhere, annoyingly. I wonder if the lack of saving of the account instance at that point would crusade information technology to drop the case?

Worth a effort - add this line in the update_account_balance! method inside AccountEntry - here's the whole method including the new line:

                                                        def                    update_account_balance!                                                        account                    .                    update_balance!                                                        business relationship                    .                    salvage                                                        end                                  

Information technology's a long shot, only worth a try.


(4.2ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM account_entries

=> 21


AccountEntry Load (0.4ms) SELECT account_entries.* FROM account_entries WHERE = one LIMIT i

=> #TimeEntry id: 1, time: 1.0, customer_id: nil, employee_id: 1578, created_at: "2016-03-04 05:37:07", updated_at: "2016-03-04 05:59:26", account_id: 1, type: "TimeEntry", amount: twoscore, state: cypher i

How to set up the state of = 1 to 'submitted'.

Two things here; kickoff your question, second some other thoughts ...

To set the time entry, something like:

                                                        a                    =                    AccountEntry                    .                    detect                    (                    1                    )                                                        a                    .                    land                    =                    'submitted'                                  

If that throws an error it should exist clear what'due south incorrect with the code. (Information technology works!)

Should the Time Entries you load via the web page testify up? They're not doing in my version of your app.

Load you server and go to /employees visit i of their show pages similar:

Load the panel and blazon TimeEntry.count, and then add a fourth dimension entry on the folio so ther should exist another TimeEntry ... blazon reload! into console so TimeEntry.count once more. I get the same value returned - null in my case. Do you lot become an incremented number?

If the land is already 'submitted', it'll mistake out as the object will return imitation, a member of nil::NilClass.

And so, if that is the case, the use of update_attributes is causing the land setting to neglect; returning simulated, not an object of account. Any subsequent phone call of an account method on faux will throw the mistake you lot're seeing. I think.

When I typed -TimeEntry.all.each { |t| t.update_attributes(state: "initial") }

instead of "submitted", i inverse the state to "initial". Then Im not getting fault.

Tried a bit more in console.

First, I created an Business relationship and an AccountEntry:

                                                        a                    =                    Account                    .                    create                    (                    name                    :                    "AnAccount"                    )                                                        b                    =                    AccountEntry                    .                    create                    (                    account_id                    :                    a                    .                    id                    )                                                        b                    .                    update_account_balance!                                  

That works ... previously, that was failing due to the lack of association with the Business relationship id. I'm trying to figure out why that was happening.

Your Commands is working.

Problem is that, When nosotros prepare the state = "submitted", query is not executing.

Sorry Steve for today to bother u.

TimeEntry.all.each { |t| t.update_attributes(state: "initial") }

SyntaxError: (irb):9: syntax fault, unexpected & ...t| t.update_attributes(land: "initial") } ... ^ (irb):nine: syntax mistake, unexpected ')', expecting '}' ...tes(state: "initial") }

TimeEntry.all.each { |t| t.update_attributes(state: "submitted") }

This Command is not working

sorry for late respond, I lost the cyberspace connection.

TimeEntry.all.each { |t| t.update_attributes(state: "submitted") }

TimeEntry Load (0.6ms) SELECT account_entries.* FROM account_entries WHERE account_entries.type IN ('TimeEntry') (0.2ms) Begin

Account Load (0.3ms) SELECT accounts.* FROM accounts WHERE = 1 LIMIT i (0.3ms) ROLLBACK

NoMethodError: undefined method `update_balance!' for nil:NilClass

from /Users/jitendragoyal/biller/app/models/account_entry.rb:24:in `update_account_balance!'

accept ur time,don't worry.

This is a pain, and there must exist a way to practise this in console but I can't figure it out.

So, I've created a new view folder called time_entries and inside there I've created a view called index.html.erb. That file holds this lawmaking:

                                                        <                    % @time_entries.each                                        practice                    |                    te                    |                    %>                                                                              <%= te.account_id %>                                                        <                    % finish                                        %>                                  

So that loops through all the fourth dimension entries and outputs the account_id. BUT, @time_entries doesn't exist. And nor does the index action. And so, go to your time_entries_controller.rb and add:

                                                        def                    index                                                        @time_entries                    =                    TimeEntry                    .                    all                                                        stop                                  

Now, we demand a route else that'll not work at all. So find your config/routes.rb file and add this:

                                                        get                    'time_entries'                    ,                    to                    :                    'time_entries#index'                                  

Yous could probably just add together resource :time_entries to the root of the file, rather than inside a do cake - same difference.

So, what nosotros've done there is created a loop in the view to iterate over all the fourth dimension entries. In the controller, we've created an action for that type of view, the alphabetize activeness, and take created the @time_entries variable that'southward bachelor across all the MVC files. To become the page to work, we've added a route that sends all requests for /time_entries to the right view, using the correct controller.

I promise that made sense ... in my browser, I have 4 numbers, one for each time entry, and no null values. Accept a become and run into what y'all get, and I'll refine this a little further, to see if I can become it to right the issues you're having.

Hi Steve,sorry yesterday my internet was doing problem. Stiil i thou getting same error.

yeah i tried, but still not working.

I retrieve nosotros have different timings.means here is morning at present and there?

Means same problem as terminal nighttime.

Land = Submitted is not working

Yes. My code wasn't at that place to fix the error; that exists within your database. It is there to identify what'south wrong with your database.

Take you implemented all the lawmaking changes in my post nigh time_entries?

Yes I have implemented.But Nothing brand difference.....what should i do?

Hi Steve, I tried to solve the result.I retrieve, the problem is betwixt account_id and time_entries.I m sharing some screenshots to understand the issue--

This is the Customer list.

customer list

I have some time_entries for few i have time_entry for customer "Kessler Denesik and Mayer and Sons".When I clicked on the Client link for "Kessler Denesik and Mayer and Sons" on http://localhost:3000/accounts page it give me error--


It didn't give me fault for those customers for which i don't have time entries.


I don't retrieve the command. I did follow the video.give me a infinitesimal.

I have already run your code merely it doesn't work.





You are talking about these ii lines -

become 'time_entries', to: 'time_entries#index'

ok, i did give me blank folio--


I reverted the lawmaking and result is-


Yes you are right Steve.This is the longest thread in treehouse what i should to do adjacent..

Cheers Steve for your help.but There is no project file regarding to biller.Hampton didn't explicate many things, and so I didn't learn too much.Thats why Im not expert at ACTIVE Record Basics.

For some Download it says u demand to upgrade to pro.i don't have pro subscription.

how r u? I want to enquire one question.

how to create a rail case for existing database?

i do have access of company database through VPN simply i dont know how to access the carmine code of that database.I can connect the my laptop to that server.

i have access of company database server , which i am accessing via mysql workbench. now he gave me chore , to perform task i need to access ruby lawmaking and i am so new , i don't know if i tin access rails using server database ?

is it possible to access rails instance when server access been given. ?

i am using tunnelblick to connect company DB.

Try running a panel on the Rail instance. Navigate to the root of the server and run rails c - that should give you access to the instances and tables. Without knowing what you're dealing with, I'chiliad but going to be guessing hither!


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